It’s Monday! What Are you Reading?

It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? a place to meet up and share what you have been, and are about to be reading over the week. It’s a great post to organise yourself. It’s an opportunity to visit and comment and er… add to your groaning TBR pile! So welcome in everyone. This meme started on J Kaye’s blog and then was hosted by Sheila from Book Journey. Sheila then passed it on to Kathryn here at The Book Date.
Jen Vincent, Teach Mentor Texts, and Kellee of Unleashing Readers decided to give It’s Monday! a kidlit focus. If you read and review books in children’s literature – picture books, chapter books, middle grade novels, young adult novels or anything in those genres – join them.

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I did read every day but I am still making my way through Go Tell the Bees. About one third of the way in. I am really enjoying meeting up with all the characters again. It’s leading further into the American Revolution, but at the moment all is reasonably peaceful on Fraser’s Ridge.

Omicron has started to take more hold here, I have to admit to feeling rather nervous. We are behind most countries in this, so late to the “party”. Now they are telling us surgical masks are not very good and we should get these N95 ones or P2. It’s all rather scary.

What I read last week:

I did finish this audiobook, it was a reread and enjoyed it – it was witty and romantic and a really good feeling story. Will need to listen on the others!

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What I am reading now:

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And started to listen to #3 in a cosy mystery series.

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Up next:

Most likely by next Monday I will still be reading Go Tell the Bees I am Gone! 

Last Week’s Posts

Next in Series

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30 thoughts on “It’s Monday! What Are you Reading?”

  1. We dug out the box of KN95’s here; my yeobo had ordered them long ago. I wear one when I have to go to the store; when I pick up the kids and my neighbor’s daughter I wear a fabric one. It’s so crazy at the HS; if your child is exposed you get like three emails which can be confusing.

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  2. I listened to the first in the Ellery Adams series and absolutely loved it. I’m really looking forward to continuing with it. I’m glad you’re able to read during the extra craziness. I know so many people who have basically stopped but it has been my sanity. Have a wonderful week!


    1. Katherine good to hear you enjoyed first Ellery Adams. I find listening to audio is easier than reading these days. I can read but sometimes find it a bit of a struggle. I have to work on cutting the anxiety and doing some reading at times.


  3. My husband and I switched to KN95s back in August after becoming breakthrough cases with the Delta variant. He just bought a bunch of N95s but I don’t like how they look and I don’t want to wear loops around my head! Sigh. It does seem somewhat inevitable, but I know a lot of people who haven’t gotten any of the variants, so hope your care and caution will be enough!
    The Diana Gabaldon books are so long, aren’t they?

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    1. Very long books, this one feels very long, but still I love these characters! Good catching up with them. Yes I haven’t worn a N95 yet but hope to try one out eventually. I guess we can’t hope to look good but at least staying better protected is compensation!

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  4. I think that’s pretty good progress for such a huge book! I have only read the first 2, so I am entirely mystified as to how on earth they possibly get to the American Revolution … but intrigued!

    So sorry COVID is finally affecting you there – you’ve been a shining light to the rest of the world through the past two years!! I have a surgical mask (kids’ size) with a fabric one over it for regular outings, and a KN95 for the nursing home or doctor’s offices! The KN95’s are made in Korea, I think, and offer the same protection, but they have ear loops instead of going around the head so are a bit more comfortable and easy to put on/off. All masks are too big for my small face and partially cover my eyes! I have a nice collection of fabric masks in children’s or Adult Small sizes, so I am bummed I have to use these standard-sized ones now.

    Stay safe and enjoy your reading – you probably feel safer immersed in the Revolutionary War than in the real world!

    Book By Book


    1. Thanks Sue for the mask info. We have been using surgical masks but now been told the KN95’s are preferable! I always think Jamie and Claire lived about nine lives each with all the time travel and travel to various countries. My favourite places though were Lallybroch (Spelling unsure) and now Fraser’s Ridge in the Carolinas.


  5. the masks were never effective, or designed to be effective, for everyday protection against an airborne virus. It will come for us all, masked or not, vaxed or not. Live your life. I’m way behind on the Outlander series but mean to read them all again someday, but it’s a time commitment for those longer books!


  6. I didn’t know Go Tell The Bees That I Am Gone is about the American Revolution. I’ll have to check it out. I enjoy fiction set during that time period.

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  7. I really need to get an N95 mask where I am too. Omicron is still going strong in Alabama (although maybe we’ve peaked?). I continue to hear of someone new that I know coming down with it. Thankfully, none too serious so far. Sea Swept sounds interesting; I like feel-good stories the most.

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  8. Wishing you the best with the virus, Kathryn. I think we all stand a good chance of getting Omicron at some point – vaxed or otherwise. Our numbers are up but hospitalizations are down in my area.

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  9. Any mask is better than no mask, but if you can get your hands on p2 or N95, you should. My boys go back to school tomorrow. They have to take RAT’s twice a week, (the ones I administered tonight came up negative) and they must wear medical grade masks at school – no fabric etc. And ‘mild’ is a relative term, we have lost more people in the 5 weeks of the Omicron wave, than during the entire pandemic to that date.
    Stay home, read, be well x

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  10. I hope you stay safe from the Omicron. At least it is not as deadly, but still uncomfortable.
    I keep planning to start that Ellery Adams series.
    Have a good week and Happy Reading/Listening!


  11. New Zealand has done such a good job throughout the pandemic. Omicron is scary but I think you’ll handle it better than we have in the States.

    I do like chunksters but I reach a point where I just feel like it’s time for something new, even though I am enjoying the book.

    Enjoy your week! Stay safe!

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  12. Same here with the 95’s. Good grief it’s always something, right? My wife just got infected at work and has spent the last week convalescing. Fun.

    I’ve read some Ellery Adams and really liked her books.

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  13. I am sorry to hear Omicron is sweeping through your part of the world. It has been wreaking havoc here for a few weeks now and we are hoping to see a downward turn in the next few weeks. My daughter’s bestfriend and her family has the virus right now and have been isolating. I hope you have a great week and enjoy your reading!

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  14. Omicron is so nerve-wracking! We still have high numbers here and I just found out today that a friend of mine (vaccinated and boosted) tested positive. We’ve been advised to wear N95s or KN95s, but they are hard to get. Mostly, I’ve just been double masking with a cloth mask over a disposable one and I haven’t gotten sick….yet.

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