
The Unretirement. Penny Mirren

The Unretirement

Published: Avon Books UK
Date: May 23rd 2024
Source: Publisher via NetGalley

Meet foodie Maggie Lawford.  After spending her retirement travelling the world, she’s home again – and ready for a new adventure. 

When Maggie’s daughter, Hannah, takes her to visit their favourite local restaurant, Maggie is heartbroken to find the place empty. But the last straw comes when Maggie realises the chef is at his wit’s end – she can’t resist charging into the kitchen and taking matters into her own hands. 

Never one to give up without a fight, Maggie resolves to save their beloved restaurant from failure, and it’s not long before she has a military-grade plan to turn the place around again. Finding herself back at work, all she’ll need is support from Hannah and her cheeky granddaughter, Millie, as well as a little help from her neighbours.

The Unretirement by Penny Mirren is a delightful story about Maggie who has retired but still yearns for some purpose in her life.

She finds that in an Indian restaurant that most likely is going under. Maggie goes in full guns blazing. She helps out, teaches some of the staff some skills that set them on the right road. As each problem arises she seeks to problem solve it. She can’t do it without the community support that arises. They passionately work together to foil the awful TV chef who’d like to buy the property.

Hannah – Maggie’s daughter too is negotiating that time in life where she has divorced and is scrambling to find a work life balance. Meanwhile her lovely young daughter Millie adds some charm and humour to the story.

This is a warm hearted story of community, finding your way and making choices that really satisfy you. It’s not easy but they all pretty much make it by the end.

8 thoughts on “The Unretirement. Penny Mirren”

  1. The Unretirement sounds like my kind of book: food and a woman past age 60 looking for more purpose in life.  Adding to my TBR list.

    Judy Zell

    Liked by 1 person

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