
The Heirloom Garden. Viola Shipman

book cover

Publisher: Harlequin- Graydon House
Date: 28th April 2020
Source: Publicist via NetGalley

The Heirloom Garden by Viola Shipman is a book to read and relish and stop and ponder. If it doesn’t have you thinking about your own garden and the beauty of flowers, I’ll be really surprised. The book wends its way through the seasons of all the stages of a garden and that of life as well.

Meet Iris, a woman who has built huge walls around her garden, she is a botanist who is very passionate and knowledgeable. She has deeply loved  her family, loved and lost.

Meet Lily a young seven year old who has a mother – Abby, starting a new job – and a father Cody, a returned service man who lies on the couch and seems to be lost in post war horror.

They all have their challenges. Iris is so isolated and  not able to leave her place. Cody can not shake himself out of the stresses of war, Abby must work amongst men who are arrogant and not half as able as she is. Lily – well she has to deal with them all. In a way she is the catalyst that sets all things in motion. She is a total delight.

This is a story of growing friendships, taking small and new steps, reaching out and withdrawing. It’s about the wisdom of age and the wisdom of youth. It is about remembering history and honoring it.

Can you tell I loved this book! It points to the goodness, caring and hope that can be present if we just give it a chance.


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